
Monday, February 27, 2012

The Mysterious Book of Secrets

In conjunction with the eighth grade Research Unit: Social Injustice, students are working with the art teacher, Mrs. Tam, to create individual Books of Secrets. Are there secrets connected with forms of social injustice?  Ask the eighth graders and they will tell you, "Yes!" From child abuse to child labor, slavery to women's rights, there are words and symbols that reflect a desire to hide that which is painful or embarrassing. The Book of Secrets sends a powerful message of images, numbers and words that are at times disturbing to view and sad to recognize, but should they be forgotten? All books will be completed and on display in the MS/HS Library beginning the week of March 5th. Take the time to see what our children are thinking, learning, revealing and trying to change.
Researching the Facts

Working on the Tiny Pages

Secrets for the Drawers in each Box

Pages of Secrets

This is how the drawers open and close.

An Open Book

Closing the Cover

Cutting Wire

Battleships, Planes, and Limos

What do these three topics have to do with each other? They are all vehicles the eighth grade students helped their kindergarten buddies to build last Thursday, February 23rd. The transportation unit in K-land is always a favorite! There is lots of taping, spray painting, and aluminumn foil present. Everybody had a ball creating unique modes of transportation. On Friday, all vehicles were "driven" around the loop while obeying all traffic signals. I only have one question: Where is the ice cream truck? Check out the events of the day below. :)

                First we plan!
One big gun!

Let me help you spray paint. . .

Is this my boat?

Big kids get to cut.

Listening to each other :)