
Saturday, October 5, 2013

What is your Super Power?

Students started off this year contemplating the 10 Learner Profiles of the IB Programme. Exactly how do I learn best? Which Learner Profile is my super strength? These are a couple of questions that students were asked to write about. All of the responses are on the bulletin board in room 311, the Language A, English classroom for MYP 3/grade 8. Come and read them when you happen to be on campus! :) Read a few student responses below.

I am reflective. Last year when we wrote reflections using Evernote, I had to reflect about my strengths and weaknesses in different projects and classes. I also saw how I was learning and how my thoughts changed with different ideas and subjects. To learn, people have to reflect on their experiences. by JC, gr. 8

I am a thinker because I like to analyze situations (sometimes too much though) and then come up with a plan to complete a problem/activity quickly and efficiently. I spend a lot of time watching other people do the activity so that I can see what they do, and then see how I could make their plan better (only if their plan doesn't work at first). Some of the ideas that I come up with aren't very good at first, but they are creative and with a little adjustment they can be very effective. by CE, gr. 8

I feel that I am a principled learner because in all my group projects in whichever subject, and working with other students, I give out an even amount of work to the entire group. In science class last year, I was assigned a group for a project which would require all of us to contribute and work together to complete the task. We didn't finish it in the first class so we were assigned it for homework. We all pulled our work load and got the project done. I am glad that I worry aabvout my won past and make sure that others don't fall behind. by DM, gr. 8

Monday, August 19, 2013

Welcome to the New School Year!

 It is exciting for me to be back in school reading, writing, and thinking with you! This year will be a fabulous one and I have big plans for us. We are starting out with a SUPER theme! You will be seeing superheroes and super powers galore. Be thinking: what are my super learner skills and what are my super character gifts that I can use to contribute this year to my team. We all have our super powers - now we just need to share them with others. I admire Batman! Who is your super hero? :)

Super Grammar!
     What, you may be asking, is Super Grammar? Super Grammar is an introduction to all of the grammar tools available to you as you write. They really are super! From periods and commas to all eight parts of speech, each one has the super ability to make your writing more interesting and literate for others to understand exactly what you are saying as you write! Get ready to be super amazed!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Reading in the Middle Ages

Seventh grade English students are reading novels that tie into the hummanities lessons taking place during the Renaissance  period in England. Five novel choice were offered to students who are reading with a small group of their peers in literature circles. See the novel choices pictured below and pick up one to read. This is a very intriguing period of history!

Cultural Diversity Unit Grade 8

It is interesting to see how people all over the earth solve their problems and work through the issues of their daily lives. Can we identify with them and learn anything from others who might have problems similar to the ones we have? Unit 5 in English class poses the question, "What can we learn by studying the mistakes and successes of others?" Quite a bit I hope. Students are reading in literature circles with a small group of peers who also chose the same book to read out of the five selections offered. Each book takes place on a different continent so there will be a global perspective. See a picture of the novel choices below. Pick up one and read today!

Social Injustice

 At the end of every school year, which is swiftly approaching, I give a survey to students and ask them questions about the five units they have covered this year in grade 8.  It is always puzzling to me why the unit titled "Social Injustice" is by far the most popular among a majority of the students. It is definitely the most difficult writing assignment, which culminates in a research paper. It requires much thought, interpretation of the facts, connecting to data bases, necessitates note taking skills, paraphrasing information from multiple sources and finally writing a paper that states a position, maintains that position and concludes with a thoughtful plan for the future suggesting a solution that is determined, after a monumental amount of research, that could be a possiblity. I am tired just reliving in my thoughts these past few weeks! The unit question posed is, "How can learning about the past help us make just and fair decisions in the future?" This is certainly a profound question to ponder at any time and maybe it is what lures the students to research injustices they discover that exist in the world. Topics range from child abuse to human trafficking to media violence and almost any topic you can think of in between. Students have free reign and the choice to investigate any subject matter, which might be another reason they like this project so much. It is also "real" and currently happening in the news. Teens also have a strong sense of right and wrong and they crave justice for all. I wish that quest for justice could stay as strong in all of us.

Click on this animoto to see a range of social injustice topics introduced to the students.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


     We celebrate pi day in English class too by writing haiku poems about pie or pie(ku) as we like to say! Here are a few of our favorite poems. :)

         Pastry versus pie
   A war of delightful treats
    May the crust guide you
-by Zach H. grade 8

       Do not touch my pie
    It is for me, not you peasant
         I love my sweet treat
  -by Olivia B. grade 7

Pie, the scrumptious food
   The aroma of apples
    Dessert of winners
-by Addy D. grade 7

The Audience Awaits

     The kindergartners turned out to be the audience in this case as eighth grade students shared original pop-up books they created after reading non-fiction books. How do you write for a particular audience? Students discovered that finding the right subject matter was the first step. Topics ranged from cats to astronauts as students created books that included a message/moral for younger students as well as a detailed story plot incorporating all of the facts from the non-fiction books. We invited the kindergarten students to be our audience and we all had lots of fun drinking milk or juice and eating homemade cookies. Yum! Take a look at our pictures below.



Monday, January 28, 2013

Working in Literature Circles

It is so much fun for me to watch students read and think while they work together in Lit. Circles! First they read pages together out loud. This is often the best part to observe because they sometimes read while imitating the voices of the characters and with an overabundance of expression. :) After reading aloud, there is always a task or a question(s) to answer. A group discussion takes place prior to any written work and is my very favorite part because of the intense opinions and debates that occur within the group. Very interesting to hear and observe!Take a look at some of the pictures below to see some of the emotions captured in Literature Circles.


Friday, January 25, 2013

Poems of Peace

What does peace mean to you? Students in grades 7 and 8 wrote poems about what peace means to them. They are entering the International Peace Poem Project.  More information can be found at this website if you would like to enter a poem. All poetry entries must be postmarked by February 28, 2013, or emailed. I am entering a poem from every student I teach in grades 7 and 8. Our poems are posted on the bulletin board outside between rooms 310 and 311 and inside room 311. Here are a few poems reflecting on peace.

Peace is when you are reading a book
and you get lost in the story.
    by JM grade 8
                                                                                           Peace is like a butterfly's wing
                                                                                                       fragile, magestic
                                                                                                     and when obtained
                                                                                                    impossible to sustain
                                                                                                            by ZH grade 8
Peace is hovering around me
Waiting for my eyes and heart to snatch it up
It is like the mustard bottle inside of the fridge,
I can't seem to find, even though it is right in front of me
The one that is blatant, yet intangible
Until I wipe my glasses and finally see
that it was face to face with me
Anticipating me to notice
by TT grade 8

 The Ladder to Peace

Bravey leads to hope
Hope leads to harmony
Harmony leads to love
Love leads to forgiveness
And forgiveness leads to peace
by MN grade 7